Check out this wonderful video to learn more about the March Student Blogging Challenge. We will be participating, get ready! The Challenge starts March 3, 2019.
Monthly Archives: February 2019
Spanish Language News by Dual Immersion Students
Our district offers dual immersion programs for students starting in preschool and continuing through high school. Spanish Immersion has been a program at my school for over 10 years. In fact, my own children participated in the dual language program and are bilingual in Spanish and English. Other languages in the immersion program model are Mandarin and French, both offered at different schools within the district.
I am fortunate to work with amazing teachers from Spain! This means our students not only learn a second language, instruction is from a native speaker who immerses the students in experiences from Spain, Venezuela, Columbia, and Mexico. How cool is that? The Spanish instructor for 6th grade teaches Science and Social Studies in Spanish. Each student chooses topics to research and write articles for publication. The 6th grade Spanish Immersion students create and publish a newspaper every quarter.
We invite you to take a look at the varied, interesting articles and marvel at their facility with the language. Leave us a little comment and we will visit you too! Enjoy. Continue reading