February Book Clubs

Reading is dreaming with open eyes.

Do you agree with Anissa Trisdianty about reading?  I do!  As a teacher, I spend the school year convincing students of this idea.  My purpose is clear:  have students become passionate speakers, readers, and writers.  One of my tools is the book club.

A table filled with delicious books awaited students this week.  Book Tastings are always fun in my classroom.  Everyone gets to taste as many books as they choose during our time together.  Having a combination of nonfiction and fiction is important.  I am lucky to be connected to authors and publishers that keep me updated on relevant new reads!

Once students choose a book, they spend the first day of book club time determining a name and logo to establish their club’s identity.  We will make flags next week to help create a community of club readers.

We will keep you updated on our reading adventures!  If you have any great suggestions for activities, please share.

I do believe something magical happens when you read a good book.

J.K. Rowling

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